Release version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0 - September 20th 2024

Added feature to improve Test case coverage

New Feature:

  • Enhanced Context for Test Case Generation:

    • The application now incorporates information from linked tickets when generating test cases


Expanded Context Collection: The application now reads context from linked tickets, regardless of their issue type, link type, or status. This means whether it's a bug, task, or any other issue type linked to the main user story, all relevant information will be pulled in to generate more detailed and thorough test cases

.Comprehensive Coverage: Linked tickets provide essential details, making the test case generation process more effective for real-world usage scenarios, improving test coverage significantly.



  • Streamlined Test Case Generation Process:

    • The integration of linked tickets allows for a richer dataset when creating test cases, resulting in improved relevance and specificity.